Sex, drugs and rock and roll web
[E] I think the 70’s & the punk scene were the shit.
[F] When I was young I was wild, ghetto, & down.
[G] I often have sleep paralysis.
[H] I look up to successful businessmen.
[I] I like to pretend & also talk to myself.
[J] A perfectionist with a perplexed view of behavior & people.
[K] Over analyzing can be my worst enemy.
[L] I think self expression is a beautiful thing.
[M] Most of the time I do things I can’t explain.
[N] I think living in a SPACE COLONY would be weird.
[O] I could never stop thinking about the world I want to create.
[P] I make accessible ambient//drone music & help people zone out.
[Q] I have whorrible hand writing.
[R] I was never a freak or a geek but I envied both.
[S] I take photos & my photography’s aesthetic is incredibly bad.
[T] It’s hard to make my mother proud… she’s bipolar.
[U] I would say I’m a writer & a poet butt I’m a shitty writer & poet.
[V] I doo what I do because I need to doo what I do.
[W] I consider wanting to be a magic man an appealing quality.
[X] I think minimal is nothing more then gorgeous.
[Y] I’m infatuated with randomness and may be a little too open minded.
[Z] All I’ve ever wanted to do is make visual fun using people N shit I like.