Krzysztof Koz­anowski

Krzysztof Koz­anowski was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1980. From 1999 till 2003 he stud­ied Fine Art Pho­to­graphy at the Gdansk School of Art and Cul­ture Know­ledge at Warsaw Uni­ver­sity. After fin­ish­ing edu­ca­tion he star­ted to pub­lish his early works in Pol­ish life­style magazine (Fluid, Exklusiv, Akt­iv­ist). Kozanowski’s pho­to­graphs are very pre­cise in concept and com­pos­i­tion details, show­ing his com­plete con­trol of the tech­nical and artistic res­ult. Since 2005 he star­ted intense work in advert­ise­ment mak­ing cam­paigns for cli­ents such as Orange, Coca-Cola, Airwaves/Wrigley, Dulux, Otrivin, Tyskie, Play mobile phones. His works also expand on edit­or­ial and advertori­als, he made pho­toshoots for Elle, Viva!, Twoj Styl magazine and adverts for Ree­bok and Nike. In his per­sonal work Koz­anowski focuses on por­trait and land­scape pro­jects mak­ing both in the sim­ilar unique esthetic atmosphere.

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