~Hello, my name is Lazarina Nedelcheva or many know me as Zina.
I’m a graduate graphic artist from Bulgaria. Art for me is a way of
portraying a feeling, a thought, an opinion or just a point of view,
whether it’s mine or someone else’s. I love to be able to create drawing
or doll or any kind of creature at all that other people would enjoy.
I can find inspiration in music, people, odd things and creatures on
the side of the road, art materials, old fabrics. Little things that
could be just sitting there in the corner, unnoticeable for others, old
and forgotten often are start point for my works. I refer to the oddness of everything.
I just adore the opportunity to be able to draw whatever is in my head and try to show it to the rest of the world.
Another thing I always need to consider
when I change my workplace( which I hope won’t be doing too many times)
is how bright it is and how much space is gives me – the bigger the
better but smaller space is not as bad as it could sound like sometimes.
I could work with almost everything.
I do like when I see the place to imagine
it filled with all my stuff, most of them too small and too..well not
in use but still are important ’cause they help my work area look like